When should I call 911 ?
You should call 911 in an emergency.
What is an emergency ?
An emergency is the immediate threat to life and/or property. This would include a crime in progress, any kind of fire or a serious illness or injury.
What questions will I be asked ?
Where ?
Where is the incident taking place? Where is the fire? Where is the ill or injured person?
What ?
What kind of incident are you reporting? What is burning? What kind of illness or injury?
Who ?
Who is involved in the incident? Who may still be in the burning building? Who needs the ambulance?
When ?
When did the incident happen? Is it in progress or did it happen yesterday?
Call back number ?
What telephone number can you be reached at if we get disconnected and need to call you back for more information? People with cell phones should know the telephone number of their cell phone. If you have trouble remembering the number, put the number on a label and affix it to your cell phone.
As soon as the dispatcher gets the answers to these questions, the appropriate emergency personnel will be dispatched. Do not hang up the phone unless the dispatcher tells you to do so or if you are in a dangerous situation. The dispatcher may need more information from you. You are the eyes and ears of the emergency personnel who are responding. What you can see and hear is very important to the dispatchers.
What if I accidentally dial 911 ?
If you accidentally dial 911, do not hang up. The call will complete to the dispatch center even though you hung up. The dispatcher will attempt to call you back to see if there is an emergency or possibly send an officer to your address to check on you. Stay on the line and advise the dispatcher that you mis-dialed. They will verify your address and telephone number before releasing your call.
To obtain weather reports
To report utility problems, such as power or cable outages
To ask for directions or determine roadway names
To obtain general information pertaining to police reports
To request a taxi cab
To ask the time
Helpful Tips
Post your address, phone number and the closest street intersection to your home by each telephone so it is available for anyone who needs to make a 911 call.
Make sure that your home is clearly marked with your house number. It should be visible from the street or posted where your driveway intersects with the main road.
Talk to your children about how to use 911. Also discuss what is an emergency and what is not.
Please remember that 911 is not for jokes, it is for people that need help. 911 is to be used for reporting emergencies.
For general police or fire information, contact your local police or fire department. That non-emergency number should be found in your local telephone book.